Changing the Paradigm of Benefits

By HUB International (other events)

Wednesday, June 27 2018 1:30 PM 3:00 PM CDT

I personally selected your group to attend this invitation-only event where we will introduce a unique option to help my clients gain more control over their employee benefits programs.

You may recall in the past month receiving a letter from us outling HUB's strategies and goals we have for the coming months and years as we work together to manage your health insurance program. In that letter, we discussed market trends and innovations that are being used by the best in class organizations to manage their benefit programs. One trend that particularly pertains to you is captives. These programs allow you to experience an alternative way to fund your plan without dramatically increasing your exposure. Captives allow businesses to have significant cost savings both short and long term. 

One of the country's leaders in Captives is Pareto. HUB is only one of two agencies in Louisiana that has the ability to discuss this exclusive program with our clients. 

As such, representatives from Pareto will be presenting a benefits captive solution that is changing the cost and quality paradigm of benefits. We hope you are able to attend this exclusive event and learn what Pareto can do for you.  Again, our job is not to sell you a product, but discuss alternative solutions that may help manage the cost of our clients plans better.   In order to be a eligible for these types of plans, groups have to be a certain size, with demographics and utilization that assist in making them a success.  

Please note: HUB is carrier and product agnostic. Our job is not to push a vendor or carrier, but to expose you to all options to help you control your cost.